Wednesday, November 08, 2006

How to get over an unrequited love...

How to get over an unrequited love in four easy - and completely inappropriate - steps.

1. Discover that the object of your affection has a new Gaydar profile.
2. Spontaneously decide to invent a new Gaydar profile yourself without thinking through the consequences, message him, and end up having really hot cyber sex together because you know what turns him on.
3. Have him cotton on to who you are immediately thereafterwards, deny everything in a panic, burst into tears, and the next day write him a long apology in which you confess to having carried an unrequited passion for him around for ages, which you had tried but failed to sublimate into a friendship, and which boiled over earlier this year when he announced he was moving interstate.
4. Expect that he will never, ever want to see you or talk with you again.

Or in other words, invade someone's privacy, betray their trust, behave like a complete cunt, and feel as miserable as all fuck for days afterwards while alternating crying jags with fits of self-loathing.

That's how you get over an unrequited love in four simple fucking steps.




Anonymous said...

Sounds like hard stuff Richard.... are you ok?

richardwatts said...

At the moment, Paul, to be honest, no I'm not, I'm a fucking mess. Give me a week or two and I'll start getting through this. Thanks for asking though. More importantly, I hope he's ok.

Anonymous said...

Hang in there Mr Watts. You'll be ok.

**big hugs**

TheDreamer said...

Oh dear. It sounds pretty awful - the whole situaton, rather than what you did specifically. Hugs all round. Take it easy on yourself...

elaine said...

don't beat yourself up, sweet man. We ALL do silly things from time to time.

*big hugs*

mskp said...

EGADS. not sure if this will help but my inner yoda is whispering that it's good to have it all out in the open [even if it was horrifically awful to experience]. now it's not a festering boil, it's an open wound. but wounds scab up and then they heal.

could i sound any more new-age, self-help, slap-me-across-the-face right now?

but i mean it.

and there are unlimited hugs on offer, x.

richardwatts said...

Thanks, guys - you're hugs and reassurance are all much appreciated. And you're right, KP, it is better to have this out in the open; I just wish it had happened in a different way. I have a support network - I can't help worrying about D., who doesn't, especially because he's in a new city without friends to turn to in a crisis...

Sean M Whelan said...

Hope this situation is getting better Rich. Your honesty will see you through. x. smw.

richardwatts said...

Ta, Sean-baby. It helps having friends to hug and turn to. Though had I been entirely honest the situation would not have come to the ugly head in did on Monday night.

Anonymous said...

Don't be so hard on yourself, Richard.

Frankly, I think what you did was clever and hilarious, and the only bad thing about it was you were caught.

Hopefully he has a sense of hunour (and perspective).

Seriously, if it's the worst thing you ever do, you're doing alright.

Anonymous said...

"humour" not "hunour".